Saturday, 23 November 2019


If a program masks the RST vector,you may not be able to restart the emulated machine this way. Thanks to Luca for letting me know! A new version of YAPE is here again with some cool stuff: YAPE was born out of a disassembler project during the summer of and had been for some time the only actively updated Commodore family emulator. Note that it is real emulation, not 'simulation', no speech samples are used, but all the utterances are generated realtime, on the fly. They were released as a successor to the immensely popular Commodore 64 supposedly to either compete with the ZX Spectrum or other micros but eventually failed to gain market success and the whole line was dumped within a couple of years. If you have the Quickdebugger selected from the Screen menu you can see as the the emulator advances in the file. yape 1.0

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An ugly crashed made its way to the latest release that went unnoticed. Has been in development since and is still actively developed.

YAPE – Vintage is the New Old, Retro Games News, Retro Gaming, Retro Computing

While the version number may only suggest a minor revision 0. YAPE can interact with the Windows operating environment in the following ways: There are two dropdowns for held items Held Item 1 and Held Item 2. YAPE was born out of a disassembler project during the summer of and had been for some time the only actively updated Commodore family emulator.

The other is a somewhat more intelligent autodetection of full screen resolution that also better respects the aspect ratio of newer TFT monitors. The switches are accessible from the 'Machine' submenu. Yapr SDL port of yape was released yesterday. Anyway, get this new build from here.

yape 1.0

Here are the positional mappings of a couple of special keys these are mostly valid in symbolic keymapping mode, too! It sets the current folder for the and it will be used for disk save ypae write operations. Or is the rom itself not opening? YAPE was born out of a disassembler project during the summer of and had been for some time the only actively updated Commodore family emulator. However they were hugely popular in a few countries such as Hungary, Germany or Italy to a certain extent also in the UK.

The binaries have been replaced so please regrab ypae copy now to solve the issue.

This feature is also supported for the emulated drive's CPU. HackRomTools is the password as usual. It also supports illegal opcodes, of course.


YAPE can interact with the Windows operating environment in the following ways: Note, that there is no separate package for the x64 binary, it is actually included in the same archive. This is the equivalent of turning the drive off and then on. The D64 error info emulation enhancements make it possible to use some of the copy protected disks to run under the fast IEC disk emulation mode Typing Professor, Hulk.

You can still use yappe keyboard shortcuts though. Some new features have yyape sneaked in.

yape 1.0

Let's see what's been changed: Untick causes the association to be deleted from the Windows Registry. Merry Xmas with Yape 0.

yape 1.0

Note that it is real emulation, not 'simulation', no speech samples are used, but all the utterances are generated realtime, on the fly.

The wholewave format is about half the size of the halfwave one, but is less compatible with all the turbos. A number of people helped me during development either by providing hardware information, testing or user hints. YAPE has a simple external monitor which you can use to track the internals of the emulated machine. Development using YAPE If you don't 1.0 the original hardware or it is not functional anymore, you may consider developing under the emulator with an approppriate cross-development tool.

Installing and running the emulator Installation is simple: A new releases that fixes a couple of annoying as well as stupid bugs and introduces a significant performance leap.

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